Activity finder website for Norfolk helps residents and visitors access nature and find groups to suit them
Active Norfolk’s activity finder platform, Every Move, is an exciting web-based platform which provides an easy-to-use way to access a broad directory of exercise opportunities across Norfolk. It is a key part of Active Norfolk’s aim to ‘Get Norfolk Moving’, enabling everyone to have access to opportunities to be more active as part of their daily routine and the physical and mental health benefits that this can bring.
Every Move is a standalone website which will ensure users who are looking to find access to natural green spaces or exercise opportunities in their areas have just one place to look. Activity providers, sports clubs and informal activity groups across the county directly list details of their activity sessions including times, locations, dates, facilities, and accessibility provision on the site. Providers and clubs can also upload images of their sessions and detailed descriptions so people looking to start a new form of activity can gain as much information ahead of attending the sessions as possible.
One of the key strengths of Every Move is the focus on accessibility. Providers can specify in detail their own considerations for people with accessibility needs when uploading their activity sessions. They are also asked several questions about facilities and accessibility considerations at these sessions.
Every Move has more than 700 activity providers promoting regular physical activity sessions across the county, from King’s Lynn to Great Yarmouth. A key consideration for the platform is recognising the diversity of physical activity opportunities there are. With this is mind, the site has been set up to enable providers of all types and sizes to use it. The activities on Every Move are primarily aimed at informal settings and groups, and the focus is not necessarily about competitive sport. At present there are archery clubs, ballroom dancing sessions, nature walks, cricket clubs and yoga and flexibility classes for people to discover, read about and go along to if they so choose.
You can find out more by visiting the site at now.