BeNorfolk contains/displays descriptions of products and services provided by third party suppliers. While we try our best to inspect, to veto and to provide the most accurate information, BeNorfolk and Norfolk County Council take no responsibility for the activities and experiences featured on the Be Norfolk website that are provided or require a third party for delivery.

If you find that an experience featured on this website is very different from the website description or is delivered to an unsatisfactory standard, please contact the team at [email protected]. If you find that any activity or information on the website is offensive, inappropriate, or infringes UK laws or someone’s personal rights, please do let us know. We reserve the right to remove any information, page or section of the website, partially or in its entirety, at any time, from the website, without previous notice. Please note that prices displayed on the platform were provided by suppliers, are estimates and were correct as of December 2022.