Be Norfolk recommends hundreds of unforgettable new Norfolk experiences, all handpicked by locals.

We make life easy with ready-made itineraries, linking passions and interests so you can follow your heart instead of the crowd. Or use the filters to search and save your own Norfolk activities. Some are paid for, many are completely free. And wherever possible, we’ve found sustainable, accessible things to do, making the most of low season travel. Download your bespoke itinerary to a calendar and share with friends!

Adventure starts right from your own front door.

The BeNorfolk platform has been created by EXPERIENCE, a €24.5 million project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (€16.9 million) through the Interreg France (Channel) England Programme. It is designed to develop the experiential off-season economy in a sustainable way. The project runs from September 2019 to June 2023 and involves 14 partners in France and England. It is managed by Norfolk County Council, which is piloting sustainable approaches to tourism. EXPERIENCE aims to capitalise on the emerging global trend for local tourism and engagement with the great outdoors, heritage, and culture.