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Ouch! Foraging for wild blackberries is a prickly business! Lucky Norfolk’s scientists have a solution – did you know the first thorn-free blackberry bushes were developed in 1941 at the John Innes Centre of biosciences in Norwich? The ‘Merton Thornless’ was the first domestic variety, tamer than the vigorous briars growing in abundant tangles on Norfolk’s country lanes and commons.

Considered the archetypal autumn fruit, the berries actually ripen in late summer, from August to October. It’s said Lucifer fell from heaven on Michaelmas Day (29 September), landed in a bramble patch and furiously spat on the berries, so any fruit you pick after that date is bitter. Fact is, a late heatwave or sudden cold snap can shrivel the crop, devil spit or not…

The sweetest, plumpest blackberries grow in direct sunlight although the the juiciest fruit always seems to be just out of reach. Typical! Wear long sleeves to guard against scratches, hold branches aside with a sturdy stick and pop a few in your mouth for a burst of sharp juice as you forage. Best of all, stain fingers purple picking yourself a bagful to bake crumbles and pies for the supper table. Or freeze to make bramble ice cream and midwinter muffins, a delicious homemade teatime treat.

You’ll be sharing the seasonal banquet with native and migratory birds: redwings, fieldfares, thrush and blackbirds. Insects and small mammals love them too so remember, take only what you need. And enjoy!


Norfolk Coast Path, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA, UK

Getting There

Field side footpaths & coast path around Cromer Road and Water Lane @ Norfolk Coast Path, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA


Sensory Experience




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